Frequently Asked Questions


A. LED stands for "Light Emitting Diode.“传统的照明光源通过灯丝发光,最终会燃烧殆尽. LEDs produce light when electrons move through a semi-conductor. LED technology is not new and has been used for decades. 然而, 最近的LED技术已经发展到允许路灯和区域灯的应用. LEDs are extremely efficient and have long life spans.

A. Beginning in early 2019, an advanced photocell will be installed on all LED lights, providing additional benefits. 例如, if a streetlight goes out today, 澳门网上真人赌博官网直到一位相关公民报告才知道. 然而, with smart LED lights, 澳门网上真人赌博官网会在需要注意的时候自动收到通知. This means 坦帕电 will repair the light quicker. 在未来几年,一旦澳门线上真人博彩官网安装了配套的通信设备,可能会获得额外的好处.

A. No, the advanced photocell does not watch or monitor individuals. 智能光电池的好处是,它可以通知澳门网上真人赌博官网,如果灯熄灭或其他问题发生. This will result in quicker repair times.

A. 是的, we can turn off the smart photocell. 然而, 请知道,如果灯熄灭或发生其他问题,它将不再提供通知澳门网上真人赌博官网的好处. 一旦关闭,它仍然会作为一个传感器,对检测到的光量做出反应. 当光线太低的时候,比如在黄昏的时候,它就会打开灯. 当它检测到光线太强时,比如在黎明,它就会把灯关掉.

A. 计划中的升级将于2018年底开始,并在未来五年内进行.

A. Area lighting is used to light private areas such as backyards, 操场, storage yards and general customer areas. 这些灯是按客户的要求安装的,按月收费. 街道照明主要用于照亮城市的公共通道和住宅街道. 然而, 在私人街道上也可以使用路灯,但每月需向居民支付额外费用.

A. 是的, 不像高压钠灯会发出黄白色的光, LEDs produce a bright, natural white light that's similar to a MH (metal halide) lamp. LED发出的光类似于日光,提供了任何户外灯最自然的色彩准确性. 住宅区将接收到色温不超过3000开尔文(K)的柔和白光led。.

A. 澳门线上真人博彩官网正在升级到LED技术,以减少能源消耗和维护成本, and to provide citizens with improved light quality. 除了, 由于市场和政府的监管条件,一些HPS和MH灯和固定装置已经过时, making it difficult to locate replacement parts. 2018年末, 每个新的LED将配备先进的光电池-使其成为“智能LED”-为您带来更多的好处.

A. 澳门线上真人博彩官网将安装的led灯设计成柔和的白光,不会影响睡眠. 较柔和的白光色温不大于3000k。.

A. 澳门线上真人博彩官网大多数目前租用一个或多个灯的客户不会因为接收LED而增加费率. 那些将看到小幅增长的人将在升级之前收到一封信,说明增长.

A. Although LEDs are more energy efficient, the energy savings are offset by the increased cost in LED technology. LEDs cost about 50 percent more than traditional lighting. 大多数客户不会看到成本的增加,因为澳门线上真人博彩官网能够协商批量定价,在保证质量的同时尽可能降低成本, durable and reliable product for our customers. 如果你租了灯,你会收到一封关于你具体升级的详细信息的信.

A. 是的, we can upgrade your light(s) ahead of schedule. 然而, this will require that you sign a 10-year lighting agreement. For assistance, please call 坦帕电 at the number listed below. 查看地图 to see where our crews will be performing upgrades.

A. 是的,如果今天有一个护盾,新的光将包括一个护盾.

A. 是的, a shield can be added at an additional cost. 如需安装防护罩,请致电澳门线上真人博彩官网公司,电话号码如下.

A. 现在不行. 然而,澳门线上真人博彩官网的LED照明最终将与公司的智能电表网络相连. Once this is complete at the end of 2023, 澳门线上真人博彩官网将有能力根据具体情况审查灯光,并将某些地区和街道的灯光调暗.

A. 是的,工作人员会检查杆子,如果需要维修或升级,他们会开罚单.

A. 澳门线上真人博彩官网建议您与您的邻居谈谈,表达您的担忧,并请他/她通过以下号码与澳门线上真人博彩官网公司联系,以讨论选择. We may be able to reposition the light. If that's not possible, 澳门线上真人博彩官网也许可以增加一个保护罩,但要向租赁灯的客户支付额外费用. If you're not able to speak with your neighbor, 请拨打上面列出的电话号码,澳门线上真人博彩官网将与租赁灯具的客户联系,并尝试找出解决方案.

A. 由于市场和政府的监管条件,今天安装的灯具已经过时了, making it difficult to locate replacement parts. That's why 坦帕电 must upgrade all lighting. You are not required to get the upgrade. 然而, once your existing light goes out, 它必须升级为LED,否则澳门线上真人博彩官网可以从您的账单中扣除照明费用.

A. 今天大多数路灯和区域灯都配备了HPS或MH灯. HPS灯发出熟悉的黄白色光,而MH灯发出明亮的白光. 虽然这两种类型的灯多年来都很好地服务于澳门线上真人博彩官网,但LED技术正在取代它们.

A. The LED upgrade applies only to lighting fixtures. 然而, if lighting crews observe any issues with a pole, 他们将通知一个单独的部门进行检查和更换, 如果有必要的话.

A. 最近有几项关于光的颜色光谱对人类的影响的研究. Here are some results from the 能源部National Electric Manufacturers Association,和 Lighting Research Center. 自19世纪以来,客户已经习惯的路灯和区域灯使用与今天的led相同的光谱, 目前还没有室外照明会影响睡眠模式的已知案例.

A. Start by selecting the "Your Lighting Options" tab above. 在这里你可以找到澳门线上真人博彩官网的 聪明的选择 户外照明 brochure 和更多的. If you have additional questions, please email your name as it appears on your electric statement, account number and phone to You may also call 坦帕电:

  • 住宅 customers: 免费 888-223-0800.
  • 企业客户: 免费 866-832-6249.